Has science discovered God?
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard (Psalm 19:1-3).
Has science discovered God?
D. Palmer
If anyone says, Science and Religion are incompatible, they are either unaware or spreading Fake News. God is the best explanation for why anything at all exists rather than nothing, including the beginning of the universe. Whatever began to exist must have a cause. The universe began to exist so it must have a cause beyond space and time.
Peter Kreeft, PhD., Professor of Philosophy Boston College says “belief in God is far more rational than atheism. Logic can show that there is a God. If you look at the universe with common sense and an open mind, you'll find that it's full of God's fingerprints... nothing can come from nothing. Yet some atheists find the existence of an infinite number of other universes more rational than the existence of a Creator. Scientists agree that the universe had a beginning in the big bang... since there was a big bang, there must be a Big Bang-er.”
God is the best explanation for the fine tuning of the universe. Many scientists who used to scoff at the Bible’s account of creation, are now using terms like “Super- intellect”, “Creator”, and “Supreme Being.”
Robert Jastrow, PhD, former head of NASA’s theoretical division says, "The fine tuning of the universe is the most powerful evidence for the existence of God ever to come out of science.”
The complex order of the universe is leaving Scientists, discovering to their surprise, the delicate balance of conditions for intelligent life to exist. Saying it’s beyond comprehension. Such as: Gravity, light, earth’s mass, magnetic field, protective gases, an oxygen rich atmosphere, water, temperature, orbital path, a moon to stabilize the earth's axis, distance from the sun and many more. Scientists agree, that if the parameters of just one of these phenomena was altered, even slightly, it would make the earth uninhabitable.
Winning a Nobel Prize is unquestionably the highest recognition of intellectual achievement. In 2002, a publication was produced titled, “100 Years of Nobel Prizes,” a statistical analysis of Nobel prizes given in the fields of chemistry, physics, medicine, economics, peace, and literature. 86.2 % of Nobel Prize winners identified as believers in God, 65.4 % identified as Christians.
The “Society of Catholic Scientists” is an International organization founded in 2016. Their mission is “To foster fellowship among Catholic scientists and to witness to the harmony of faith and reason to other scientists and be of service to those who are attempting to integrate the worlds of science and religion in their own intellectual and spiritual lives.” As of April 2019, there are now over 1000 scientists as members.
Historically, Catholics are numbered among the most important scientists of all time. Including the father of science, Isaac Newton, Blaise Pascal formulated the mathematical theories of probability. Priest, Gregor Mendel, founded modern genetics, Alexander Fleming, invented penicillin, Louis Pasteur founded microbiology and invented several vaccines. Nicolaus Copernicus developed the view that the earth rotated around the sun and the list of Christian scientific contributors goes on.
Francis Collins, MD, PhD, Director of the Human Genome Project led a team of scientists who read over three billion letters of the human DNA. He has received The National Medal of Science, and the American Presidential Medal of freedom. He writes, “I am a scientist and a believer, and I find no conflict between those world views... God can be found in the cathedral or in the laboratory.”
Dr. John Lennox is a Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University. He says: “The beauty of the scientific laws reinforces my faith in an intelligent divine creator. The more I understand science, the more my faith in God is confirmed, because of my wonder at the breadth and sophistication of His design.”Dr. John Lennox sums it up, “Look at the Nobel prize winners, the idea that there is an essential conflict between science and religion is demonstrably false...The real conflict is between atheism and theism.”
Science and religion are not in opposition, they are complimentary world views. Any proposition that they are opposed to each other, is simply a fallacy. Dr. Peter Kreeft sums it up best, “the conclusion that God exists does not require faith, it’s atheism that requires faith. It takes faith to believe in everything coming from nothing. It takes only reason to believe in everything coming from God.”
100 Years of Nobel Prizes
Darwin Debunked
D. Palmer
In 1950, C.S. Lewis wrote an essay entitled, “The Funeral of a Great Myth.” In it, he eulogizes the religion of evolutionism describing Darwinism as mythology. The scientific discoveries of the past 50 years have been nothing short of astounding, validating Lewis’s satire, which would have been impossible for Darwin to have known in the 19th century. His theory of evolution explaining slight adaptations and modifications based on environments such as, animal fur density or bird’s beak shapes has merit, however for the emergence of new species, not even close! The Darwinian Theory of evolution is now being described as another debunked scientific theory being compared to the sun rotating around the earth or the flat earth theories.
In 2001, scientists from around the world collectively wrote a document called “A scientific dissent from Darwinism.”, they wrote, “we are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of Life. Careful examination of the evidence for the Darwinian Theory should be encouraged.”
They further state, “this statement exists to correct the public record by showing there are scientists who support an open examination of the evidence relating to modern Darwinian theory and who question whether Neo-Darwinism can satisfactorily explain the complexity and diversity of the natural world.”
Scientists who are eligible to sign this statement include leading biologists, geneticists, quantum chemists & physicists, who must either hold a Ph.D. in scientific fields such as biology, chemistry, math, engineering, computer science: Or, they must hold an M.D. and serve as a professor of medicine. There are over 1000 renowned PhD scientists who have become signatories of this dissent.
Dr. Thomas Nagel: Professor Philosophy NYU As a non-religious person, he writes in his recent book “Mind and Cosmos,” “The material list of Neo-Darwinian conception of nature is almost certainly false.”
David Gerlernter: Professor Computer Science at Yale says, author of “Giving up Darwin,” says; “I have no theological argument; my argument is with people who dismiss intelligent design without considering it as a serious scientific argument. In fact, it's the first and most obvious and intuitive one that comes to mind. It needs to be dealt with intellectually... Darwinism is no longer just a scientific theory but the basis of a worldview, and an emergency religion for the many troubled souls who need one.”
David Berlinski: Famed Mathematician, taught philosophy, mathematics and English at Stanford, Rutgers, the City University of New York and the Université de Paris and wrote his most recent book entitled, “The Deniable Darwin” Berlinski says, “Doubt convinced me Darwin has failed... there’s no reason to doubt that Darwin successfully explained small adjustments by which an organism adapts to local circumstances: IE; changes to fur density or beak shape however there are many reasons to doubt whether he can explain the big picture. Not the fine-tuning of species but the emergence of new ones.”
"We don't know why our species is so gifted... The Darwinian theory has many interesting things, fidelity to the facts does not seem to be among them. Including gaps in the graveyard of fossil records. We don't have a continuous record maybe there's a good reason but maybe there is not... there should be intermediate forms, but instead there is nothing whatsoever! No paleontologist denies this. It is simply a fact; Darwin’s theory and the fossil record are in conflict."
Berlinski concludes that “Believing in finding a needle in a haystack is easier than believing the Darwin Evolutionary theory.” He adds, “the odds of Darwinian evolution being true is comparing, If you had a million monkeys typing on typewriters all typing at random, believing they will produce the collective works of Shakespeare.”
Dr James Tour: Voted one of the top 50 most influential minds in the world, Scholar at Harvard, has spoken at every major university in the US. He has 650 publications in research magazines. He was voted “R&D” Magazine scientist of the year, a member of the National academy of inventors. A member of the American association for the advancement of science. He has 120 patents, has started several companies from medicine to material Science, computer memory, electronics just to name a few. Tour says:
“There is more information stored in carbohydrates assembly than DNA. Nobody knows how to control this. How the origins of Life researchers address this problem? They don't. For cells to be assembled correctly would be 10 to the 79th billion. What does that mean, big huge numbers, well a million seconds is 11 days, 1 billion seconds is 32 years, 1 trillion seconds is 32,000 years... the origin of Life protocell assembly is akin to buying 20 lb of sliced turkey meat adding a gallon of turkey broth warming it up sticking a few feathers in and suggesting that a live turkey will eventually come gobbling out if given enough time... this is exactly what is done in origin of life experiment, given enough time a turkey will come out.”
The empirical evidence of a purposeful creator cannot be dismissed.